Wednesday, October 10, 2007

How to transform your photo into sketch using Adobe Photoshop CS3

Hi. I would like to share this simple effect using photoshop on how to transform you photo into a hand drawn or sketch like effect.

1. First open the picture you want to transform.

2. Duplicate the background layer by dragging it into the "create new layer" below in the Layers pallette or press Ctrl+J.

3. Then click on the new layer that we created. In this case, the duplicated image. Then go to Image>Adjustments>Desaturate or press Ctrl+Shift+U.

4. Duplicate the desaturated image that we have.

5. Click on the new layer then go to Image>Adjustments>Invert or press Ctrl+I.

6. On the Blending option in the Layers Pallette, choose Color Dodge, we're still on top layer.

7. Lastly, go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Then input your radius into 4, or you can play with the radius.

Have Fun.

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